• Express Yourself

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  • About Us
  • Read Geaux Girl!

Dreaming has always been one of my favorite ways to get to know myself on a deeper level. Although dreams can rarely be fully understood and interpreted, the process of trying to make sense of our dreams is important for self-reflection and personal growth.

When I was young, I would draw pictures and write down stories inspired by what I’d seen in my dreams. Years later, I discovered that through dream analysis, I was not only tapping into my subconscious and thereby fostering self-growth, but I was also sometimes able to predict future events in my life. I’ve been into dream analysis ever since.

When analyzing your dreams, remember that dreams are not always literal—more often than not, they are suggestive of the subconscious habits, tendencies, hopes, and fears that we may not always acknowledge during our waking hours. Our dreams are powerful in that they can help bring concealed emotions or feelings closer to the surface of our awareness. If you’re interested in dream analysis, I recommend checking out Carl Jung’s work. Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist who used astrology to better understand different personality types and the unconscious mind.

For all of you fellow astrology enthusiasts out there who are familiar with birth charts, you’ll appreciate to know that dreams are ruled by Pisces, the planet Neptune, and the 12th House. The 12th House rules the unknown and unseen. It is where we hide treasures about ourselves to discover later in life. The best way to dig for that treasure is through dreaming!

Here are a few common dream symbols, and what they may mean:


Animals are a common occurrence in dreams. Animals of the night, such as owls, bats, and racoons, can be tied to instincts, wisdom, and survival. Daytime creatures can symbolize feelings of either vulnerability or serenity, depending on the setting and your underlying emotions. Horses can represent family and freedom. It’s important to keep an open mind about your relationship with the creatures you dream of. Dreams are highly personal, and no one can better define what they mean than you. If your dream features animals, remember that it’s not just the type of animal that’s important. The overall setting and what’s happening to the animal is also indicative of underlying feelings and emotions. Take time to look into specific animal symbolism to uncover what it means to you.


Dreaming of houses often represents the dreamer’s mental state. The attic stands for the conscious mind while the basement represents the subconscious mind. The state of the house could refer to the dreamer’s emotional state. A messy or damaged house could indicate feelings of being unsupported, disregarded, or isolated. Walking around a vibrant home with many rooms could indicate feelings of security and abundance, or a sense of moving forward in life. A small space with a leaky faucet could suggest a lack of self-care or deviation from one’s best interests. What happens inside the house (and where it happens inside the house) should be the focus of the dream analysis. For example, if you dream of spending a lot of time stuck in your messy bathroom or bedroom, ask yourself about your concealed emotions. Each room means something!

Shopping Malls

Dreams involving shopping malls can have similar meanings to dreams of houses. However, they often involve other people’s influence in your life. For example, dreams of being lost in a parking garage could suggest feeling lost in life, with no one to help guide you “home” or to your goal or destination. Dreaming of not being able to find a friend inside the building could indicate a fear of abandonment. How we felt when we were at a certain place and what we saw or experienced there often directly relates to needs in our social lives.


It is common to dream of storms when we are experiencing a big change in our lives. The astrological ruler of storms is Ouranos. Ouranos brings change, and with it, storms. Experiencing flooding during storm dreams can mean we are feeling overwhelmed. Wind that knocks us down can reference feelings of powerlessness. On a more pleasant note, being out on a beautiful sunny day in a dream could indicate feelings of contentment and joy.


Dreams featuring people are very common. To dream of our parents, for example, could indicate that we’re seeking approval from others or are worried about abandonment. Parental dreams are directly linked to our childhood traumas and memories. If you have siblings, you could be seeing yourself in them, especially things you dislike about yourself. Dreaming of strangers often indicates feelings of loneliness or loss. To dream that someone you love dies can imply you didn’t learn everything you wanted to learn from them yet.

Odd Events

If you had a dream about your teeth falling out, you could be experiencing feelings of chaos or lack of control in life. To dream of other physical injury can point to a desire for more stability. If you dream of being at sea on a boat with nice weather, life is probably going smoothly. Dreams of public humiliation are common and indicate feelings of vulnerability in life. Then there’s the dreaded dream of being naked in public. Don’t worry, it’s not literal! It usually means you’re experiencing a personal shift or change in life.

With any dream symbol, always consider your own experiences and associations as you interpret your dreams. Symbols have different meanings for different people and dream analysis is about figuring out what the symbols in your dreams mean to YOU. You’ll be surprised how much you can learn about yourself from your dreams.

Ruby Sabbath Wolfe

Ruby Sabbath Wolfe is a professional astrologer and tarot reader and the owner of Sabbath Wolfe based in the Lower Ninth Ward.