I got my period for the first time in February of this year. I had just turned 12. We were at a basketball game at Dillard University and having a good time. I had to go to the bathroom and I looked at my underwear and was like, “Oh my God.” I was so confused. I cleaned myself up and robotically walked back to the bleachers and told my mom that I thought I had gotten my period. I was wearing these really nice white pants and they were totally stained. We went to CVS on the way home and got some pads and my mom told me what to do. For the next few days, I was scared of myself. Why was myself doing this to myself? I was hungry, irritated, and mad at everyone for no reason. That was hard because I’m usually nice to everyone.
I was 13 and it happened on a band trip to Disney World in Orlando. I was the only girl in the band. Initially, I thought I had gotten food poisoning or had too much root beer and poo’d myself. I hate when books describe the first period as a rose petal between your legs. Mine was murderous. There was so much blood. I put on a bathrobe over my clothing and went to find the female chaperone. She gave me a week’s worth of panty liners. I used those and Disney princess napkins for the rest of the trip.
I was 11 and woke up soaked in my own blood. I was terrified. I was like, ‘What happened in the middle of the night? Did the dog attack me?’ I didn’t realize where the blood was coming from. I didn’t go to my mom. She found out because she saw the blood on the sheets when I came home from school. My first period lasted about nine days and was so heavy. It would get light for a day and then kept coming. A friend told me to go to CVS to buy pads. And for some reason I thought the sticky side was supposed to go up. So that happened. I started Googling everything about periods and was a lot more prepared the second month.
I had mine when I was 12. I was having really terrible stomach pains and my mom took me to several doctors around Louisiana because we thought something was wrong with my stomach. At some point I started having brown discharge. A week later, I was at school and bled through my khaki pants during first block. I put my sweater around my waist and had to go the whole day with dry blood in my pants. I told my mom when I got home and she was excited.
My mom was very excited too. The second I got home from my Disney World trip she had all this stuff laid out and told me about all the products.
I didn’t know how to talk to my mom about this. I have always bought my own pads and tampons. We don’t talk about this stuff very much.
When I first went to buy pads on my own, I was so nervous. I begged my mom to buy them for me, but she wanted me to do it myself. I got a male cashier and didn’t make any eye contact. And then I just cried on my way out the door. I don’t know why.
I stare the cashier in the eye when I buy tampons or pads. I hate the stigma. My friends will be like, “I need a tampon. Slide it under the desk!” and I’ll just throw it to them in the middle of class. There just shouldn’t be stigma around it.