How I coped: During that time in my life, I often felt awkward, boring, self-conscious, frumpy, and full of self-doubt. I was haunted by the thought that if people really got to know me, they would eventually find something they didn’t like. When my girlfriends found out what had happened with P, they started the full onslaught to let me know what a terrible person he was—his arrogance, his greasy hair, his weird-looking face, how lame his jokes were, and how I deserved someone who was much nicer looking. While funny, that wasn’t helpful, as he was and probably still is a wonderful person. What did help was knowing that I was still loved and cared for, despite one person rejecting me. Since then, I have been through many more breakups, even a broken engagement. All were experiences I do not regret. Besides losing your person, you also lose your dream of the future you had imagined having together—and sometimes, losing the dream of what could have been is more painful than anything else.
What I learned: Sometimes the thing that draws us into a relationship is the hope that this new person will make us whole—and all of our self-doubt will magically go away once we meet the right person. That if we meet the right person, we will be beautiful, interesting, strong, loving, smart, and all the things we felt were lacking. In my experience, this is how you get into dangerous territory and is a sign that you might need to pause and make sure that, no matter what, you know that you are beautiful, interesting, strong, loving, and smart on your own, and that no one else can make you feel more or less so.
How I’m doing now: I’m in a loving, healthy relationship with my current partner because I already know that I am VERY interesting and QUITE wonderful with or without him (overconfident much??, he would laugh). We can share fully and without fear all the things in our hearts—from small annoyances and hurt feelings to our deepest hopes and dreams.
Advice: Emotional pain (grief, sadness, fear, loneliness, and shame) is part of life. The more we feel it fully, embrace it, the more it will dissolve on its own so that you can experience love again with an open heart.