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What Does Your Life Path Number Say About You?

Numerology is the language of the universe. Do you regularly see the same digits when you check what time of day it is? What about number sequences in places like billboards, addresses, license plates, or phone numbers? Every number code has meaning! Knowing your personal number will help you understand the meaning and mystery behind numerological synchronicities (or “meaningful coincidences”).

To calculate your life path number, simply add up the digits that make up your birthday. Numbers must be added until they are a single digit.

For example, January 1st, 2001 would equate to 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 5 and August 23rd, 2003 would equate to 8 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 3 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9.

Every number has a specific energy that is connected to our psyche, life experience, and personal magic.

1 The Magician

Magicians are powerhouses. They rule their world and exude force and willpower. Being a magician means owning the rights to making something from nothing. In alchemy, the process of turning lead to gold represents utilizing the forces life drops on us that may be unpleasant and making something grand from them. Magicians are gifted with using the forces and magic of nature in their daily lives. They have an uncanny wisdom for synchronicity, symbols, and signs, and often offer information to others to show the concern and loyalty for which they’re known. If you’re a Number 1 person, you are straightforward, wise beyond your years, and in sync with the laws of the universe.


2 The High Priestess

The High Priestess is potentially the most underestimated out of all the numbers. She is graceful, poised, respectful, and slow to react. Many times, she’s mistaken for a pushover since she does not seek confrontation or choose to engage in energetic battles. However, being underestimated puts the High Priestess at an advantage. She will conjure the energy needed to surmount an unsuspecting enemy or challenge, and with one movement will conquer and move forward. The High Priestess has refined preferences. She enjoys the arts and you won’t catch her eating poorly or spending time with foolish people. A friend to all who need support and a lover of animals, the High Priestess is a gentle spirit who knows herself and is at peace with her existence.

3 The Empress

 The Empress is creative, magnetic, and resourceful. She knows how to go with the flow of life and can show others how to trust the magic of discovering their potential. While she may not be considered the most disciplined, the Number 3 is optimistic and charming. She can get her way without much effort, and she knows it! Traditional resources like money or material goods are not a priority, which can paint them as aloof or undisciplined. Number 3 people thrive on helping other people and showing them how glorious life can be. They utilize their creativity for all types of projects throughout their life. They enjoy caring for others, especially animals. Number 3 people use their charisma to make life pleasant and enjoyable.

4 The Emperor

The Emperor is all about structure and discipline. They are able to create an organized system from chaos. Arguably the most intellectual of the numbers, intelligence, knowledge, and education are incredibly important to them. Emperors may deprive themselves for periods of time in order to place more value on the finer, more simple things in life. They make their own rules (unfortunately that can mean unnecessary ones). Their homes are their kingdoms. Number 4 rules the seasons of the year. In this manner, the Emperor takes things in life in turn and is always moving forward to the next project or goal. Things may be beyond their control, but they nevertheless continue to exert their masterful skills of coordination and control throughout their life.

5 The Hierophant

The Hierophant is the worldly ruler. They oversee wisdom, courage, and the need to create a purpose in life. Number 5 is creative, but in the sense that they are solution-oriented and incredibly intelligent. Their health is very important to them. The Hierophant uses their experience in life to learn, grow, and evolve. While they may intimidate others, they often do not realize how their confidence may be perceived as arrogant or impatient. They simply want their lives to reflect their ideals and standards. The Hierophant questions authority, is unconventional, and values original ideas and processes. They may be radical, shaking the very foundations their personas rule over.

6 The Lovers

The Lovers is often thought to pertain to our romantic life. In a way, it does and it can. But the Lovers more so represents the relationship with the self, specifically our ideal vs our ability to achieve that ideal self. Often they look for answers outside of themselves, forgetting that everything they will ever need to know lies within them. The Lovers can come off as noncommittal, aloof, and avoidant of decision-making. In essence, the absolute truth that The Lovers people are seeking is balance, kindness, and genuine relationships in their life to feel content and fulfilled.

7 The Chariot

The Chariot represents change. More specifically, it represents change we have the ability to navigate or otherwise control, the irony being that change isn’t completely within our control. The Chariot is always in motion, moving forward with great vigor and passion. The Chariot tends to rush things in life because they see where they’re headed before anyone else does. Especially when it comes to relationships this can backfire. The Chariot people make excellent leaders, creators, artists, and writers. They understand what it’s like to struggle to keep going and often unknowingly inspire other people to keep doing their best. The Chariot people want nothing more than consistent positive change. They work their entire life enacting changes and often need to understand that what is optimistic is not always realistic. Patience is a lesson for The Chariot. They’ll get there soon enough and need to learn to enjoy the ride.

8 Strength

Strength people are easy to find; they’re hard workers, introspective, and often think before speaking. They tend to bear others’ burdens, as their name suggests. They’re practical, sometimes even to a fault. Strength people are great in business and usually experience success in life, whatever that means to them. Strength people are sensitive and care a great deal about other people. This can be confusing to others since they also require a great deal of alone time to recharge. Strength people value justice (which at one time was the Number 8 card in tarot). For this reason, Strength people often need extra encouragement in life to keep balanced and keep up the hard work. Without encouragement, they may become gloomy and lose their hopeful spirit.

9 The Hermit

The Hermit is the teacher of the tarot. Introverted and wise, the Hermit prefers to be alone with his books rather than in crowds or at parties. They are often popular in their social circle because they lend an ear and offer their well-earned wisdom to folks who need it. The Hermit is romantic, optimistic, and wants everyone to live their best life. Oftentimes, they behave spontaneously and regret it later. The Hermit seeks to understand and be understood. They can be perfectionists, dwelling on their mistakes instead of moving on. They cope with their mistakes by finding the lessons hidden within them and sharing with others how to avoid the same fate. Hermit people can be taken advantage of and labor endlessly for little gains. This pushes them to spend more time in solitude as a seeker of knowledge.

The author, Ruby Sabbath Wolfe, runs the New Orleans School for Esoteric Arts, where she offers courses and workshops, and Nola Esoteric, a lifestyle brand and online shop.