Astrology used to be known for much more than horoscopes and dating advice. Back in the day, astrology was used to track harvests and crops, predict meteorological events, and it was especially important in medicinal practice. Every sun sign, or zodiac sign, governs an area of the body, and botanicals such as herbs and flowers are attributed to individual zodiac signs. A swift and effective way to balance one’s sun sign can include utilizing herbs specific to your zodiac. While traditionally this method has been applied to sun signs, I also recommend using astrological herbalism for one’s moon sign. Our sun sign rules our life force energy, or prana, while our moon rules our emotional world and secret self.
Here’s a fun guide to astrological herbalism, but remember, it’s not a substitute for medical advice! Also note that only a few options are listed here; the world of zodiac botanicals leaves much more to be explored, but caution is always the name of the game when it comes to herbs. Don’t use anything you’re unfamiliar with and please check with a doctor before taking anything internally!