All the Men Who’ve Messed with Me
Sidewalks, intersections, office buildings, towers, thrones
It has come to my attention that you have failed to comply with the terms of your agreement with us dated the day/your mother/pushed you out. I understand that you have been given notice after notice through looks and body language and words and marches and proclamations but have failed to move.
Therefore, I have instructed the women in your life not to accept any emotional labor from you as we set this straight. All amounts you still owe in smiles and money and blood and bodies and lives and my goddamn sanity will be accepted with a nod and no further reassurance.
If you have not moved out of our unwilling arms by yesterday, you will suffer much worse than the loss of our emotional labor. You will pay the debts listed above, plus the sum of any strife on my part. If you fail to leave, I will also inform other women of your noncompliance, and you will be unable to find refuge in their kind hearts either.
This position is not negotiable.
Feel free to never talk to me again.
Your signature is not needed.