“Self Portrait” by Katie McDowell (18), New Orleans Center for Creative Arts "An Old Man in Military Costume" by Simone Wuttke (18), Dartmouth College (recent Benjamin Franklin High School graduate) "This oil on canvas painting is inspired by Rembrandt's 'An Old...
I have sat with anger ingrained in my ribs night after night. I know the five stages of grief. Why am I so stuck on anger? Denial was the first one. It hit when I stood in front of my fridge all alone in my house with my knees wobbling, staring at the screen on my...
Partner Yoga Poses by Laurie Azzano of Lolo’s Youth StudioYaaaas, finally! Hello, summer! Inhale deadlines. Exhale freedom. If you’re like most, summer represents one big sigh of relief. No more early morning alarm clocks, homework, tests, school drama, or crazy,...
Makes 20-24 brownies (depending on how big you slice them) BAKE TIME: 30 minutesIngredients 6 eggs 1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour 3 cups brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 2 sticks butter 1/2 cup Crisco shortening 1 1/2 cups baking cocoa powder 3/4 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons...
If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, or any form of mental distress, reach out to someone right away who can be there for you. Professional help is always an option when your psychological well-being is at risk. There is zero shame in...
Teen-Friendly NOLA ClinicsClinics that serve adolescents usually focus on the reproductive health needs of adolescents and young adults but may also provide primary care services. The ages served vary depending on the clinic, but they usually include preteens (11 or...
Have you ever wondered how you can apply astrology to your everyday life but don’t know where to start? Astrology can be very complex and sometimes overwhelming to interpret, so I have compiled a quick guide to help you consciously incorporate daily practices to...
Did you know clothing isn’t biodegradable?That means it doesn’t decompose once it’s dumped in the trash—it just sits in a landfill and creates nasty greenhouse gases in our environment. “We have to think longer and harder about the clothing we wear, where it came...
New Orleanians love their glitter, and, more than ever, we all deserve a little extra sparkle in our lives. Addie Ellis of the local biodegradable glitter company Glitter Nymph shared with us how to make shimmery oil that is good for your skin and nature. Since you...
I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast is Me by Jamison Shea What it’s about: Laure will do anything to prove a Black girl can be a star in the cutthroat world of Parisian ballet, even make a deal with a primordial power she finds in a pulsating river of blood in the...
Are you looking for inspiring ways to volunteer in the local community while fulfilling your school’s service hour requirements? We’ve talked to some great organizations in the area that rely on volunteers to help their wonderful programs run. Learn more about each...
Imagine that you just found out you are pregnant. For some young people, this may be exciting news; for others, it is not. Questions swirl: How can I take care of a baby and finish school? How can I afford to be a parent if I don’t finish school? How will my parents...
Lucy Scholz is my “shero” because she ran 300 miles from Los Angeles, California, to Las Vegas, Nevada, as part of The Speed Project. That’s roughly like running to Houston, Texas, or Seaside, Florida, from New Orleans! Not only did she win the 2023 competition and...
Careers in Skilled Trades With the cost of college continuing to rise, skilled trade careers are a great alternative pathway to stable, well-paying work and upward social mobility. Many trade workers provide essential services and help build and maintain important...
Whatever your questions may be, Geaux Girl!’s very own sex ed and girls’ health expert, Dr. La’Nasha Tanner, and her team of doctors at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine are here to answer them. Dr. Tanner, a native New Orleanian and graduate of Spelman College and Meharry Medical College who completed her residency at LSU, can’t wait to answer your questions so let’s get real!
Will taking the pill make me gain weight?
Weight gain while using birth control is a major concern for many young women, but research has shown that “the pill,” or the combined oral contraceptive, does not cause a significant change in weight. More common side effects that may occur when you take the pill include unscheduled or “breakthrough” bleeding, nausea, headaches, and less frequent periods. Despite the side effects, the pill has lots of benefits that make it a great option for birth control for those who are comfortable with a hormonal method. In addition to preventing pregnancy, the pill uses estrogen and progestin to regulate your periods, improve pain, and control heavy bleeding. In fact, the pill can even decrease acne and unwanted hair growth. It is up to you to decide which birth control option is best for your body. No matter the type of birth control you choose, you can maintain a healthy weight by making healthy food choices and getting regular exercise.
Vanessa Norris, M.D.
How do I know if I have a healthy or unhealthy body image?
Body image is how you view yourself when you see your reflection, or what you see when you picture yourself in your mind. The key thing to remember is that it is personal. Each person looks and is built differently. Every physical characteristic is unique to you. A healthy body image is wanting to work out and tone parts of your body while still appreciating and speaking positively about yourself. It is about wearing clothes that make you feel good and being able to recognize aspects about yourself that you love. An unhealthy body image is constantly criticizing or speaking negatively about yourself or your body type, becoming overly focused on things like crash dieting, or attempting to drastically change a physical aspect of yourself because you believe it will make you feel better about yourself. These types of thoughts and behaviors can put you at risk for other mental health conditions like eating disorders or depression. If you do in fact start to feel that way, it is important to tell someone you trust, particularly an adult who can help you or guide you to the help that you need. Remember, being YOU is beYOUtiful!
Vibha Rao, M.D
What does “intersex” mean?
Intersex is a general term used to describe a naturally occurring variation in physical sex characteristics. A “difference of sex development” is another socially acceptable term that covers a spectrum of intersex presentations. In other words, intersex means that someone can’t be put neatly into the “female” or “male” box based on their sexual anatomy. For example, a person may look female on the outside but have male internal reproductive organs—or vice versa. Intersex can also mean that a person’s chromosomes are, for example, XXY rather than XY (male) or XX (female) or that genitalia look “in between” a vagina and a penis. Sometimes a person can live their whole life without knowing that they are intersex; other times people are identified as intersex at birth or during puberty. What’s important to know is that being defined as intersex does not determine one’s gender identity or sexual preference. Everyone should be treated equally and respectfully—no matter where they fall on the spectrum of biological sex, gender, or sexuality.
Remi Omotayo, M.D.
Do you have to have sex with anyone?
Short answer, no. Longer answer? Here we go. Sex can be a difficult and scary thing to talk about, but it’s also a natural part of life, so I’m glad you asked. When, where, and with whom you have sex is going to be different for every single person. Some people find themselves uninterested in having sex altogether. The only person that can make this decision is YOU. The most important part is that if you choose to take this step, you feel safe and you feel ready—not because you’re a certain age, not because everyone else is doing it, not to impress someone, and absolutely never because someone is pressuring you into it or threatening to break up with you if you don’t. If you find yourself in that situation, walk away. If you feel unsafe, find a trusted friend or adult to talk to. Now, if you find yourself feeling ready and considering this choice, take a pause. Talk openly to the person you’re taking this step with and make sure you’re on the same page. Remember that sex is natural, but it is a big deal and comes with big responsibilities. Make sure that you are using condoms to prevent both sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy. And honestly, talk to a trusted adult in this case too. You’ll be surprised at the response you get when having an adult conversation about a big adult step. If you’re not ready to talk about sex, then it’s unlikely you’re ready to engage in it.
Ralitza Peneva, M.D.
What is a yeast infection and how do I get rid of it?
An infection of the vagina, or sometimes the skin of the groin or skin folds, by yeast (a type of microorganism) can cause itching, burning, irritation, a bad smell or white vaginal discharge. People don’t always have all of these symptoms. Your doctor can diagnose this condition easily. This is a common infection, but sometimes we don’t have any explanation for why it occurs. Yeast infections are NOT a sexually transmitted infection (STI aka STD). They can be, treated fairly easily the majority of the time; you can get a home treatment (like Monistat) from any pharmacy or a doctor can prescribe a medication. If you think you have a yeast infection, see your OB-GYN!
Jahan Jadauji, M.D.
I’ve heard that tampons can cause toxic shock syndrome. Are tampons safe?
Yes! Tampons are safe, if used the right way. There are two main factors to consider when it comes to using tampons: the length of time you leave a tampon in place and the tampon absorbency (which is the amount of liquid a tampon can soak up). Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is an infection caused by bacteria that can be found on several different parts of the body (not the tampon itself!), so it can actually affect women AND men. TSS has been linked to use of higher absorbency tampons, but it is very rare. About half of the time, TSS isn’t even associated with menstruation. That being said, it is recommended that you use the lowest absorbency tampon that works for you. A tampon should not be left in place for more than 8 hours, but it’s safe to remove a tampon and insert a new one right after. Usually, a tampon will last anywhere from 4-8 hours. Tampons are categorized based on absorbency, with different levels such as light, regular, and super. If your tampons are getting saturated (soaked) quickly or you are leaking into your underwear, you can get a heavier absorbency tampon. If your tampons are not saturated after 8 hours (you still see a lot of white on the tampon), try getting lighter absorbency tampons next time.
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