Don’t sit like that. Close your legs. Be a lady.
Don’t purse your lips. Or pucker them either.
Don’t cut your hair. Your hair is your glory.
You are my glory. My daughter. You must keep up appearances.
Don’t post photos like that. Ones that will be perceived wrong.
Ones people can see. Don’t take photos with him.
Don’t be gay. Heaven forbid I be gay.
You will be smart. Never be stupid. Why are you so stupid?
Don’t speak. Never let your ignorance slip out.
You don’t know everything. I know everything.
Listen to your father, but also listen to your Father.
Read the Bible. Read 2 Timothy. Read it again.
Disobedience will get you nowhere.
It is not your life.
Go to church. Wear a dress. Sit in the front pew.
Hang on to every word.
Remember whose you are. Remember who you are.
Stop wearing those pants. They are too tight.
You’ll get a yeast infection.
Don’t use tampons.
If there should be a boy, never let him touch you.
Don’t get in his bed just because he asks. There is no boy, mother.
Don’t get pregnant.
Unless you are married.
If there should be a baby, I hope you will keep it.
It is your choice, but I hope you will reconsider.
Listen to your mother. Mother knows best.
Stop wearing that makeup. You don’t look like yourself.
Your lips are too dark.
Stop waxing your eyebrows.
Don’t be fake. You’re so fake.
Remember who you are.
Stop wearing your hair like that.
Put it up. One bun only.
Don’t cut your hair. Your hair is your glory.
What are you doing with yourself?
I did not raise you this way.
Stop talking to that boy. He doesn’t love you.
Stay focused. If nothing else, stay focused.
Learn your math. Apply yourself.
Be smart. Do your thing, but remember what is important.
Shopping is not important. Stop buying things.
Stop buying clothes. Stop buying clothes that do not fit.
Lose weight. Love yourself.
Think about how much better you could be.
If you just lost fifty pounds.
You are not graceful. Be graceful.
Stop wearing those panties. You know better.
Be better. Be the woman I raised you to be.
Do not sell yourself short. But do not give yourself away.
Should anything go wrong, pray. And if it all goes right, pray.
You must remain faithful. He will answer your prayers.
Remember who you are.
Count your blessings. Count them twice.
Say grace before every meal.
Eat your veggies. And your fruit too.
Don’t put so much junk into your body. Watch your calories.
Call your dad. He loves you, y’know? Yeah, I know.
Don’t leave your clothes in the washer so long.
They’ll start to mildew. Put 10 extra minutes on the dryer.
Wash your hair, but wait two days in between.
Take care of your skin: witch hazel and warm water.
Take your vitamins. Drink plenty of water.
Go outside. Bask in the sunlight.
Capture every moment. Don’t boast.
But remember your worth.
Think carefully before speaking.
Chew your food before swallowing.
Put one foot in front of the other.
Count to 10.
Remember who you are.
Stop biting your fingernails.
Whisper in the theater.
Don’t be obnoxious.
Grab extra napkins.
Hold the door.
Mind your manners.
Say yes, ma’am.
Brush your teeth.
And don’t forget to call
every day.