Of course, there is a downside to your impulsive tendencies.
As you gain more freedom from your parents, you will spend more time with peers, who are also going through this Savage Makeover. When social time is not centered on a positive or productive activity, or positive and productive friends, rebellious and pleasure-seeking teens may find it hard to resist negative influences, such as pressure to bully, drink alcohol, use drugs, drive recklessly, and engage in sexual activity. Most teens know the dangers of such activities – in theory. You probably already know that alcohol and drugs will damage your brain and body (and possibly relation-ships with people you love); that driving recklessly may result in an accident and physical injury to yourself and others; that sexual activity can lead to disease, pregnancy, and emotional distress; and that bullying is emotional abuse and very hurtful to others. Yet, many teens still make poor choices in the heat of the moment because the intensity of their emotions tends to overrule rational thinking.
One way to override the negative risks of a Savage Makeover is to discover your Healthy Purpose, which is your commitment to some-thing bigger than yourself. It is YOUR version of serving the greatest good – or benefit to all. If there were no limits, what would you change about the world? If you had just one wish for your future self, what would it be? If you are having trouble answering, think about what makes you feel deeply. What makes you sad? If you’re still not sure what you are passionate about, go out and get involved in something meaningful – learn about the world. there are plenty of things to experience and problems to solve. No matter how big your vision, set out to achieve it. You may want to reverse climate change or make sure all children have equal access to education. Maybe you want to save animals and their habitats or fight for social justice. When you’ve identifed your Healthy Purpose, you can begin to live with greater intention. Even the smallest daily challenges are opportunities to practice channeling your intense emotions into constructive actions.
Like evolution, the Savage Makeover should lead to growth and improvement. It is an opportunity for you to become a better person and to help make the world around you better. However, just like a species, you will evolve through trial-and-error learning, and how you respond to mistakes and challenges will shape who you’ll be as an adult. Think of your tendency toward rebellious, risky, and impulsive behavior like a genetic mutation: it can make things better or more interesting – or it can limit opportunities for growth and destroy the things you value.
Mother Nature has gifted you this time in your life to develop your own vision for who you want to be. Don’t waste time by not being intentional about how you live your life. It’s up to you to get out there and try new things that are scary but good for your personal growth. Be unafraid to speak your truth and live your purpose. And most importantly, expect to make mistakes. Forgive yourself when you think you’ve failed and get back up and try, try, try again. Let your Healthy Purpose guide your thinking and actions, and you will be on your way to your best you – and a better world.