IN NEW ORLEANS, people love to wear masks. They allow us to transform ourselves into someone (or something) we are not— just put one on and see how even your physical posture changes to accommodate the character. The truth is that each one of us wears a symbolic mask every day, by way of our personality.
What is personality? In “simple” words, it is the essence of a person—one’s pattern of social, emotional, and behavioral tendencies—that emerges from and adapts to one’s interactions with the world. This means that your personality can change, although certain aspects often seem to stay the same—like how friendly or adventurous someone is. Personality is basically a constellation of habits. You probably change your habits every day (without realizing it) based on who you’re with and what you’re doing. Think for a minute about how your principal sees you versus your best friend? What about your mother versus your neighbor? These people may see you differently because you’ve learned how to control certain aspects of yourself to accommodate the situation.
Adolescence is the perfect opportunity to try different personalities, to experiment, and be intentional about the “mask” you wear. If you find you are not very open, maybe try being more spontaneous when given the opportunity to try something new. Or if you find you are more introverted and highly competitive, challenge yourself by joining a team that requires collaborative effort. Explore all of your personality potential!