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i know how you feel
we waited so long to sprout
but people finally noticed us when we bloomed
they pick on us when we’re too young
they say we’re not beautiful once we’ve dried off
once our petals have fallen and we are just old stems
they throw us away
once we are old and wrinkly
because they don’t know that we have more value
what are we even made for except to look beautiful?
what are we made for except to reproduce?
is that all we are to them?
they tell us to grow
but they pick us and snip us from our bush
they don’t understand
that you can do so much more than what they say you can
they may say you and i are alike
but we are not
you are a tree
everblooming, versatile, and free.
Lucy Rhodes is 14 and a freshman at Ben Franklin. She loves writing and wants to be a fashion journalist one day. When she is not writing, you can find her baking, shopping, collecting vinyl, or listening to Taylor Swift. This poem was inspired by local poet Clint Smith’s “what the ocean said to the black boy” and was originally written for English class after reading his collection Counting Descent.