Yaaaas, finally! Hello, summer! Inhale deadlines. Exhale freedom.
If you’re like most, summer represents one big sigh of relief. No more early morning alarm clocks, homework, tests, school drama, or crazy, overscheduled schedules. Finally, you get to take a break and relax… and have fun!
As good as yoga is for helping you focus, build strength, and find calm, it can also be a ton of fun! Partner poses allow you to benefit from all the cool things yoga has to offer (develop core strength ; help with balance ; build physical strength ; increase focus ) and have a blast with your besties at the same time! So grab a friend and get on the mat… or the grass, beach, whatever. Yoga anywhere, everywhere! Whether you’re on a stay-cay or vay-cay, all you need is a friend to have fun with yoga this summer.
Our models—Ava and Eva of Isidore Newman School and Eleanore and Adison of NOLA Micro Schools—are excited to show you their favorite partner poses.