Tell us about your coolest experience so far!
The coolest experience of my life so far has definitely been winning the Scripps National Spelling Bee. It was such a gigantic and difficult undertaking. I spent a little more than two years studying and working diligently towards a goal that would prove particularly difficult—so for all of my hard work to pay off in THE best possible way is beyond gratifying.
How do you go about achieving your goals? Any tips on how to stay focused and motivated?
I just basically try to work as hard and efficiently as possible. Over the years, I’ve learned that if I put my absolute all into something, good things are bound to happen. The hardest part (for me, at least) is usually just getting through that initial period when you’re pretty bad at whatever it is you’re working towards. But once you push through that early phase, your rate of progression will usually start to increase rapidly. Just keep pushing forward towards your goals! Nothing worthwhile ever really comes easily.
Do you have a role model?
I have a bunch of role models, but two people I really look up to are former NASA astronaut Mae Jemison (the first Black woman to travel into space) and Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist Malala Yousafzai.
How do you handle disappointment?
I actually learned a lot about losing over the past year. I competed in 14 national-level spelling bees over the last year and I failed to get first place in seven of them. That’s a really great record in retrospect, but in the beginning the losses really got me down. Eventually, I decided to focus more on the journey than on the final result. It’s way more fun that way because, at least for me, things seem to almost never go exactly as planned.
How do you relax?
I usually just like to hang out with my family during my downtime. I have three little brothers, so I spend a lot of time hanging out with them. I also love to listen to music and podcasts.
Do people ever underestimate you?
People often underestimate me when it comes to basketball. Opposing teams are always laughing at my team before games and making fun of us because, I guess, we look kind of unimpressive, but it doesn’t take them long to realize their miscalculation. Though it can be super annoying when people dismiss you based on their own preconceived notions, the truth is that I’m going to try my best no matter what.
Any words of encouragement or advice for girls who want to achieve ambitious goals?
Always believe in yourself. A lot of people said that I’d never be able to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee, but I didn’t allow their lack of confidence in me to shake my resolve.