“Self Portrait” by Katie McDowell (18), New Orleans Center for Creative Arts "An Old Man in Military Costume" by Simone Wuttke (18), Dartmouth College (recent Benjamin Franklin High School graduate) "This oil on canvas painting is inspired by Rembrandt's 'An Old...
yoga power
Why teens are turning into yogis.
“Yoga teaches young people how to be the ‘boss’ of their own body, quiet their mind, and trust themselves.”
Laurie Azzano, owner of Lolo’s Youth Studio
LET’S FACE IT: Being a teenager isn’t easy. That’s why teens across the country are turning to yoga. More than anything, yoga helps teens tune in so that they can tune out. With everyone talking about the growth of yoga and mindfulness for adults and kids alike, teens can o en be the greatest beneficiaries of this ancient practice. And possibly teens girls more than anyone. Best of all, you don’t have to be strong, flexible or athletic to start your yoga practice. In fact, the beauty of yoga is that it helps you to develop your own personal level of strength, power, and flexibility – on and off the mat – at your own pace, on your own terms. Ask any teen yogi and she’ll tell you that her favorite thing about yoga is how calm it makes her feel o the mat. That’s why we are so excited to partner with Lolo’s Youth Yoga and Fitness Studio (located on Magazine near Audubon Park) to bring yoga to you!
Yoga really is for every body type; a practice of yoga will make you feel stronger, more flexible, and more confident. It will bring you balance and calm in ways you can’t even imagine. Feeling stressed about school, friends, life… try yoga. It will change your world.
You don’t need any special equipment – it’s nice to have a yoga mat and there are props that can be helpful, but all you really need is a firm but soft surface (test the rugs or carpeted rooms in your home!) and some comfy, stretchy clothes.
Yoga balances the mind and body; you’ll be surprised how empowering it is to tune in to your body and feel confidence and strength grow.
The more you practice yoga, the better your mind-body connection becomes. Even a few minutes of yoga will have a positive effect on you!
Ready to experience the power of yoga? Try these three calming and confidence confidence – boosting poses:
star pose
Life is distracting. A friend is upset with you, you turned your homework in late, and you forgot to feed the fish again. There is always something that pulls us out of our center. Yoga is a practice that brings us back. The star pose encourages joy and lightness of spirit. Open, then ground your feet with a slight rotation of the thighs inward. Lift the crown of your head and your chest upward, and turn your fingertips outward.
warrior I
Warrior I pose shouts I AM POWERFUL! Your entire body and mind feel strong in this pose. Ground one foot behind you. Reach your fingertips to the sky and position your knee over your ankle.
tree pose
The tree pose promotes balance and centering. Stand up straight and start to shift your weight to one foot. Firmly ground your foot and shift the weight of your pelvis downward. Draw your other foot up and anchor it on your inner thigh. If you lose your balance, feel free to reach out for a wall with one hand.
“Breathe. Smile. Let it go.”
Breathing is essential in yoga practice. A common breathing technique is called ujjayi, which can be translated as “victory” breathing. To begin to learn how to breathe this way, close your eyes and focus on your natural breath. Notice where the breath feels strained or forced and begin to consciously even out the rhythm of your breath.
“Anyone can do yoga because you can adjust the poses through modifications to fit every body type. It’s a very fun way to relax and get your mind off of things.”
Kavia (12)
“Yoga always gives me a nice relaxing vibe to carry with me the rest of the day.”
Eva (13)
There are also lots of fun partner poses in yoga. This one is not as easy as it looks!
Lolo’s Studio
Lolo’s Studio is New Orleans’ first youth-centered yoga studio. Through yoga, fitness and art, Lolo’s is bringing body + mind together and helping youth tap into their internal power so they can better manage physical and mental stress. Learn more at lolosstudio.com or check out Lolo’s Studio on Instagram at @lolosyouthyoga.